Tuesday, July 2, 2013

UGC NET Computer Science June 2013

Paper II

1. COCOMO: COnstructive COst Model

2. V(G)=e-n+2

3. (1&2)+(3/4)=0

4. print= times 8

5. Sequential

6. 3NF 

7. Port

8. monoalphabetic

9. Class B

10. 15 Clusters, 16 regions and 20 routers

11. identification

12. Almost 1/alpha ln(1\(1-alpa))

13. O(th)

14. Data warehousing

15. Data cleaning

16. Anti symmetric and transitive

17.Euler graph

18. 3100

19. M-N+C 


21. 216

22. medium term scheduling

23. 321

24. both the directory entry and the inode


Paper III

1. SMI approaches 1

2. Waston->cost est, quick-fix-> maint., putnam->projectPlan, LogPoisson->Failure Intensity

3. Cleanroom s/w engg

4. Black Box testing

5. x2-x-1=0

6. 3600

7. greater than [n/2h+1

 8. If (u, v) e E then e V1 or v e V1.

9. Attenuation

10. Integer Arithmetic only

11. Critical fusion frequency

12. Single atomic proposition on left side

13. in, out, and in-out mode, i.e. All of these

14. Relative indexed

15. 0, 1, 2, 3 Address Instructions

16. Internal Interrupt

17. Bit oriented protocol

18. Hamming distance = 6

19. 11100010101

20. Deadlock

21. T1 < T2

22. Thrashing

23. 16 GB

24. OS maintains only CPU registers for each thread

25. FAT-16, FAT-32, NTFS i.e. All of above

26. not(G):- call(G), !, fail. not(G).

27. Depth first Search

28. states = 4

29. Constraint satisfaction

30. Convex

31. {0.1,0.5,0.4,0.2,0.2}

32. XOR problem

33. Good interface design

34. Software quality assurance

35. O(logn log logn)

36. 2 24 000 bits

37. n(n-1)/2

38. Data Link Layer Que: (B)part

39. 1.966 seconds

40. 20 megabaud

41. m+n-1 Que : degenerate

42. 80

43. once

44. 80 line-pairs per inch

45. TTL Que: (C)part

46. Finite

47. 18.25 millisecons

48. 9 and 8

49. State 1 is unsafe and state 2 is safe

50.Calloc() Que: (A)part